Course Requirements
Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Familiarity with Node.js and Express.js concepts.
Basic knowledge of RESTful API principles.
Materials Needed:
Recommended textbook: "Fullstack React: The Complete Guide to ReactJS and Friends" or similar resources.
Access to a code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code).
MongoDB account (for cloud database access) or local MongoDB installation.
Node.js and npm installed.
MongoDB (local or Atlas).
Express.js and React libraries (via npm).
Course Description
This course covers the MERN stack, which consists of MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, providing students with the skills to build full-stack web applications. Students will learn how to create dynamic, scalable applications using JavaScript across the entire stack, from database management to frontend development. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on projects, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
Understand the MERN Stack:
Explain the components of the MERN stack and how they interact in a full-stack application.
Set Up a Development Environment:
Configure a local development environment for MERN applications.
Build a RESTful API with Express.js:
Create RESTful APIs using Express.js, implementing routes, middleware, and error handling.
Utilize MongoDB:
Design and manage a MongoDB database, including CRUD operations and data modeling.
Develop Frontend with React:
Build interactive user interfaces using React, managing state and props effectively.
State Management:
Implement state management techniques (such as Context API or Redux) in React applications.
Connect Frontend and Backend:
Integrate the React frontend with the Express backend to create a seamless user experience.
Authentication and Authorization:
Implement user authentication and authorization in MERN applications using JWT or session-based methods.
Deploy a MERN application to a cloud platform (e.g., Heroku, Vercel) and understand best practices for production environments.
Debugging and Testing:
Apply debugging techniques and write tests to ensure application reliability.
SEO Specialist
Mia is an SEO specialist with a proven track record of improving website rankings. She has worked with various companies to enhance their online visibility and enjoys teaching others about search engine optimization.
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